The best quality therapy

Remedy is the most trusted mental health provider that works directly with top renowned licensed clinics to help problems such as employee burnout, lack of productivity, and overall well-being in the workplace using AI. remedy is the most effective and secure way to connect your employees with quality therapy.

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Our Mental Health platform boosts employee satisfaction by a significant 26%, raising the bar for Employee Wellbeing

Improving engagement communication and awareness by 34% with strategic initiatives

Attaining an impressive 18% increase in productivity with our focused mental health initiatives

We redefine industry standards

As a trusted member of the online mental health industry, we directly collaborate with clinics to offer the highest quality therapy available in the market. We are committed to setting the benchmark for total privacy, unmatched security, and delivering clinically-proven results for your employees.

Using AI technology to study the ecosystem and collect quality psychoanalysis data

Create an in depth analysis reports with AI technology with an annual action plan

Create month to month mental health initiatives and workshops from data collected

Connect your employees to quality therapists anonymously seemly and securely

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If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress and needs immediate help, please contact your nearest lifeline center

Privacy Policy

Copyright Remedy, 2023